Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Site-specific art process PT.2

In pt.2 we look at the process for creating the initial ideas for the client. Here I have taken the picture of the space and started to flush out some ideas in the computer. The goal is to give the client an idea of your thinking and also to show a wide range of possibilities. These images will show how color and shapes will effect the over all environment.

Once the client has a chance to look them over they will choose what they like in the images and what they don't like. Then I can come up with a direction to take the piece.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Site-specific art process PT.1

When I mention to possible clients that I do site-specific work more times than not they don't know what I'm talking about. So, I have decided to document the process right here with a current client.

Once I have obtained a client that knows they want a piece and where they want it, I first photograph the space. Taking particular note of personal styles, design layout, and colors. This might be the only time I see the space.

The first part to be determined before a price can be figured is the size. I do a series of sizes superimposed over the photos I took. This gives the client an idea of what the space will feel like once the piece is hung. Once that is determined then a price can be agreed upon with the client. In this case the client already had an idea what size they wanted. So it is easy to figure the specific size.